FAUX PANEL - Exterior Installation Guide

Helpful Reminder

Giving your panels time to acclimate ensures a smooth and successful installation. Store them flat in a designated area that's dry and free from direct sunlight or other heat sources for at least 24 hours. This step will help your panels adjust to the ambient temperature and humidity and im



- Before using any tools or equipment, make sure to read and understand all safety guidelines provided by the manufacturers.
- Wear safety glasses throughout the installation to avoid any potential harm to your eyes.
- Please ensure you comply with all the applicable building codes at the local, state, and federal levels.
- Always comply with clearances set forth by the manufacturer of stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, and any other heat source.


General Tools and Materials:

- Caulk Gun

- Clean Cloth

- Disposable Gloves

- Level

- Construction Adhesive

- Panels

- Pencil

- Safety Glasses

- Small Paint Brush

- Tape Measure

- Touch-Up Kit

- Deck Screws

- Wood Cutting Saw with Finish Blade

- Screw Gun/Drill Driver & Driver Bits

- Drainage Mat

- Wire Brush

- Textured Caulk

Before You Start

- Check that the wall you are working on is in good condition and structurally sound.

- Exterior sheathing and house wrap should be installed first.

- Gather all tools and materials.

     Note:     - One (1) tube of construction adhesive is typically needed for every three (3) panels.

                     - One (1) tube of textured caulk is typically needed for every four (4) panels.

- if you plan to install faux panels around corners, please refer to our corner installation instructions to determine the best approach for your project.


Step 1 - Prepare

- Orient each panel with the flat lip facing upwards on the long side.

- Each panel is carefully hand-painted by skilled artisans. Start installation from the bottom right and work your way to the left.

Pro Tip: To achieve the best results, assemble the pieces on the floor to form a loose fit. Pay close attention to the details, check the fit, and sand the edges if necessary.

- It is crucial to clean the wall thoroughly before installing the panels to ensure proper adhesion. Remove all dirt and debris from the surface using a wire brush.


Step 2 - Install Drainage Mat

Note: skip this step if installing with adhesive only over concrete, masonry, or metal.

- Install exterior sheathing and house wrap prior to the drainage mat.

- Orient the roll with the smoother side facing out and the grid side facing the wall.

- Secure the drainage mat firmly to the wall by using long deck screws that pass through the mat, house wrap, and into the structral material.


Step 3 - Trim First Panel

Note: Skip this step if installing faux panels around corners.

- Create a straight efge on the first panel by trimming away the interlocking tabs on the right side.

Pro Tip: To minimize waste, we suggest cutting off at least a quarter of the panel instead of just trimming the interlocking tabs. Keep the interlocking side. You'll need it later in the project.


Step 4 - Apply Adhesive

- Using a clean cloth, gently wipe the back of the panel to remove any debris.

- Place the panel on a soft surface and apply adhesive beads to the back in vertical lines, with no more than a 3-inch gap between them. Add a little extra adhesive to the back of each interlocking tab.


Step 5 - Mount Panel to Wall

- Using a gentle twisting motion, ensure that the panel is level and aligned with the edge of the wall.

- To secure the panel, attach one screw per foot around the panel and one screw per square foot in the middle - place screws in grout lines under protruding rocks to reduce their visibility.

Pro Tip: Use caution when tightening screws. Avoid over-tightening, and make sure they are slightly recessed.


Step 6 - Repeat Steps 3 & 4

- Dry fit each panel before applying adhesive to ensure a flush fit and trim if necessary.

- Add some adhesive to the lip of the panel, about an inch from the face. Then, fit the next panel tightly together to create a seamless look.

- Remove any surplus adhesive with a damp cloth before it dries completely.


Step 7 - Begin Next Row

- To start the next row of panels, place it directly above the first one. Trim the first panel of the next row a bit so that the seams will be offset when you install them.

- Apply adhesive to the top lip of the panel below before installing each panel on the next row. This creates a shiplap joint for a tight fit.


Step 8 - Finishing Touches

- Apply caulk to mitered joints, gaps, and holes from screws. Remove excess caulk before drying for a seamless finish.


Touch-Up Kit

- Apply a thin layer of base coat and allow it to dry completely for approximately 30 minutes.

- Apply the appropriate paint colors, then blend with a soft cloth. Allow it to dry completely for about 30 minutes.

- If your touch-up kit contains a wash, apply it with a paintbrush and blend by dabbing with a soft cloth.

Should you need assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Someone is available to answer your questions Monday - Friday, between 8 am - 4 pm.

877-326-8426 | support@anticoelements.com